1. Advances and results of research and knowledge transfer on adolescence and youth in transition to adulthood / in social difficulty.

  • Assessment of young people belonging to vulnerable groups.

  • Assessment of the transition to adult life of socially vulnerable groups.

2. Training of professionals working with young people.

  • Training of professionals working with young people.

  • Good practices and new areas of action/intervention with vulnerable young people.

  • Action/intervention in the face of the difficulties resulting from COVID.

  • Difficulties in intervention with vulnerable young people and adolescents during the pandemic.

3. Networking: the role of universities, professionals, organisations and government in educational action with young people.

  • The role of institutions in the social inclusion of young people.

  • Networking in the transition to adult life.

4. The process of achieving autonomy among young people: Resilience, empowerment and social welfare.

  • Social and labour insertion and transition to adult life among vulnerable young people.

  • School and training as opportunities for intervention with vulnerable adolescents and young people.

  • Use of ICTs and the influence of social media on the autonomy and quality of life of young people.

  • Leisure in the training of vulnerable adolescents and young people in transition to adult life.

  • The role of the family in the care of vulnerable young people.

  • Family and identity of young people in their transition to adult life.